
12 Wet Cats Who Probably Hate Their Owners
12 Wet Cats Who Probably Hate Their Owners
12 Wet Cats Who Probably Hate Their Owners
We all know cats are quirky little creatures. For starters, they have a knack for imitating 'Shark Week' and 'The Great Gatsby Catsby'. We're not saying that stuff is weird or anything, it's just that cats always bring an element of hilarity to these sorts of situations. This also includes bath time.
17 Animals Excited for ‘Shark Week’
17 Animals Excited for ‘Shark Week’
17 Animals Excited for ‘Shark Week’
Shark Week is here! Shark Week is here! We can finally stop living like it's Shark Week, because it's actually Shark Week! We're not the only one's who are excited by the prospect -- these animals also seem pretty geared up. (We're going to pretend the costumes were their idea, and not their owners.)
North Montana Angus Association will Host the 2013 Tour
North Montana Angus Association will Host the 2013 Tour
North Montana Angus Association will Host the 2013 Tour
The North Montana Angus Association is excited to host the 2013 Montana Angus Tour September 17-19. The event will be head quartered in Great Falls, MT and will showcase Angus breeders and Angus operators throughout  North Central Montana. The tour will kick off Tuesday, September 17th with a golf tournament and a social to follow at the tour headquarters, Holiday Inn of Great Falls...
MontGuide: What You Need to Know About Hantavirus
MontGuide: What You Need to Know About Hantavirus
MontGuide: What You Need to Know About Hantavirus
On today's Extension Minute, Toole County Agent Alice Burchak talked about hantavirus. Click HERE to download a free MontGuide, prepared by the Montana State University Extension Service, with information you and your family need to know to protect yourselves from this danger...
10 Strangely Cute Porcupines
10 Strangely Cute Porcupines
10 Strangely Cute Porcupines
Here at TheFW, we have a special talent for scoping out all things adorable. You know, like moths and little Darth Vaders. It's the sort of stuff that just brightens the heck out of our days. Today we'd like to share with you another find that fits this bill-- cute porcupines.
8 Reasons Why Cell Phones Should Be Replaced With Baby Sloths
8 Reasons Why Cell Phones Should Be Replaced With Baby Sloths
8 Reasons Why Cell Phones Should Be Replaced With Baby Sloths
Two things people just can't seem to get enough of on the internet these days: replacing things with other things via Photoshop, and adorable baby sloths. So how on Earth are we the first people to put the two sensations together at last? We don't know, but we *do* know that once you see these pictures of cell phones replaced by baby sloths, that virtual sloth app on your phone will no longer cut
Police Officers Rescue Ducklings for Nervous Mother Duck
Police Officers Rescue Ducklings for Nervous Mother Duck
Police Officers Rescue Ducklings for Nervous Mother Duck
What would you do if you saw a duck pacing back and forth and quacking nervously? (We'd probably be really confused -- what's a duck doing in our living room??) Fortunately, the police and animal control officers in the video above were able to make sense out of the situation, and rescue all of the duck's ducklings, which were trapped in a sewer.
The 12 Funniest Chickens on the Web
The 12 Funniest Chickens on the Web
The 12 Funniest Chickens on the Web
We’ve seen our fair share of entertaining animals. Horses and birds are among our favorites, but there’s a particular version of the latter that has gotten our attention of late. Ladies and gents, today we bring you the funniest chickens on the Web, because, well, it’s just hilarious stuff.

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