Back from the Brink: PBS Documentary Airs Sunday Evening
Montana FWP Biologist Ryan Rauscher gave us the heads-up on a new 2-part documentary that begins tomorrow evening (Jan. 14, 2018). Here's what Ryan has to say about Back From the Brink:
Often times it is easy to think things remain relatively unchanged over time…what we see now is what always was. This paradigm is seldom accurate. In fact, the opposite is most often the case in our “ever changing” world as is demonstrated in a two-part documentary Back from the Brink: Montana’s Wildlife Legacy that will be aired on Montana PBS.
The first part documents the depletion of Montana’s wildlife during the 1800’s and the beginning of Montana’s conservation movement will be aired on January 14 at 10:04 AM. The second part, aired on Sunday January 21 at 10:00 AM, shows how Montana citizens, state and federal agencies and universities worked together to take action in restoring the state’s once abundant big game populations.
This documentary is a must see for people interested in Montana’s wildlife. It tells the story of the catastrophe caused by exploitation and depletion and ultimately of restoration. It concludes with discussions of how citizens must work together to be ever vigilant to threats against wildlife and its habitat, so never again will Montana's wildlife have to be brought "Back from the Brink"