Arbor Day Officially DECLARED in Shelby!
Friday, April 30th, has been declared as "Arbor Day" here in Shelby. Thanks to all of our care & commitment, Shelby, has been named a "Tree City USA" for some 20 years in the running because of all the local organizations, businesses, students & individuals who every year initiate projects to care for & maintain our community parks & public areas through tree planting & cleanup. If your business, group or organization would like to select an area like a city park, fence line, roadway or other area to clean, please call Lorette Carter at 434 5222, or email: shbcdc@3rivers. net. Let's ALL "Spring into Spring" & make this Arbor Day, Friday, the 30th, the day we dust off our shovels & rakes & do our part to improve our neighborhoods, brighten the city parks, clean up the roadways & foster real care & concern for Shelby. Me? I'd best clean up my desk...