An Epidemic Of Loneliness
Over 20% of older Americans live alone causing what the CDC calls an "epidemic of loneliness, 2nd only to obesity to reducing the longevity of our aging population." Hovey Smith, the author of the book that's up for grabs this afternoon (Monday) on Puffman Musical Trivia, says you can combat this "epidemic" by starting a "late-life business." It's all laid out in his book, "Ideas For New Businesses: Finding ideas for starting your $million or $billion dollar business." Hovey's fun & easy read is the 1st of a series of affordable short-form books that cover aspects of new business development that are presented in "Profit," & will be followed by additional titles. Check out the book by visiting the man's website at:, YouTube Channels "Hovey Smith" & "Hovey's Knives of China," & then listen to WIN the book later today on Puffman Musical Trivia! I haven't read the book yet but anyone with the name "Hovey" HAS have the answers. I've put together a musical trivia question on a #1 hit record from this date, August 28, 1961, & it's a good one! See you this afternoon at 4:30 on Puffman Musical Trivia. Hooray for Hovey!!