27 Miles Long-15 Wide
Flathead Lake over in the Valley, Flathead Lake is 27 miles long & 15 miles across, is one of the many featured photos in the book, "Flathead impressions," with photography by Chuck Haney. This beautiful presentation is available now from Farcountry Press in Helena. It's all here, the Flathead Valley in its splendor from the infamous Conrad Mansion to the Northern Lights Saloon in Polebridge. You'll do some real "armchair traveling" with this spectacular presentation, & I submit, the rainbow arching over Flathead Lake says it all! For more information on "Flathead impressions," write: Farcountry Press, PO Box 5630, Helena, MT 59604, or call 800 821 3874. Visit: farcountrypress.com.
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